Datasaurus Dozen

The datasaurus dozen

The datasaurus sozen is a fantastic teaching resource for examining the importance of data visualization. Let’s have a look.

datasaurus <- readr::read_csv('')
## ── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## cols(
##   dataset = col_character(),
##   x = col_double(),
##   y = col_double()
## )

Two libraries to make our work easy.


First, the summary statistics.

datasaurus %>% group_by(dataset) %>% skim()
Table 1: Data summary
Name Piped data
Number of rows 1846
Number of columns 3
Column type frequency:
numeric 2
Group variables dataset

Variable type: numeric

skim_variable dataset n_missing complete_rate mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist
x away 0 1 54.27 16.77 15.56 39.72 53.34 69.15 91.64 ▁▇▃▇▁
x bullseye 0 1 54.27 16.77 19.29 41.63 53.84 64.80 91.74 ▂▆▇▅▂
x circle 0 1 54.27 16.76 21.86 43.38 54.02 64.97 85.66 ▅▃▇▅▃
x dino 0 1 54.26 16.77 22.31 44.10 53.33 64.74 98.21 ▅▇▇▅▂
x dots 0 1 54.26 16.77 25.44 50.36 50.98 75.20 77.95 ▂▁▇▁▅
x h_lines 0 1 54.26 16.77 22.00 42.29 53.07 66.77 98.29 ▅▇▇▅▁
x high_lines 0 1 54.27 16.77 17.89 41.54 54.17 63.95 96.08 ▂▅▇▃▁
x slant_down 0 1 54.27 16.77 18.11 42.89 53.14 64.47 95.59 ▂▅▇▃▁
x slant_up 0 1 54.27 16.77 20.21 42.81 54.26 64.49 95.26 ▃▆▇▃▂
x star 0 1 54.27 16.77 27.02 41.03 56.53 68.71 86.44 ▅▇▇▃▆
x v_lines 0 1 54.27 16.77 30.45 49.96 50.36 69.50 89.50 ▃▇▁▅▁
x wide_lines 0 1 54.27 16.77 27.44 35.52 64.55 67.45 77.92 ▇▂▁▇▅
x x_shape 0 1 54.26 16.77 31.11 40.09 47.14 71.86 85.45 ▇▆▁▃▅
y away 0 1 47.83 26.94 0.02 24.63 47.54 71.80 97.48 ▅▆▃▇▃
y bullseye 0 1 47.83 26.94 9.69 26.24 47.38 72.53 85.88 ▇▆▃▅▇
y circle 0 1 47.84 26.93 16.33 18.35 51.03 77.78 85.58 ▇▁▁▂▆
y dino 0 1 47.83 26.94 2.95 25.29 46.03 68.53 99.49 ▇▇▇▅▆
y dots 0 1 47.84 26.93 15.77 17.11 51.30 82.88 94.25 ▇▁▇▁▆
y h_lines 0 1 47.83 26.94 10.46 30.48 50.47 70.35 90.46 ▆▇▇▅▅
y high_lines 0 1 47.84 26.94 14.91 22.92 32.50 75.94 87.15 ▇▁▁▃▅
y slant_down 0 1 47.84 26.94 0.30 27.84 46.40 68.44 99.64 ▆▇▇▅▆
y slant_up 0 1 47.83 26.94 5.65 24.76 45.29 70.86 99.58 ▇▇▇▅▅
y star 0 1 47.84 26.93 14.37 20.37 50.11 63.55 92.21 ▇▂▂▅▅
y v_lines 0 1 47.84 26.94 2.73 22.75 47.11 65.85 99.69 ▇▆▇▃▅
y wide_lines 0 1 47.83 26.94 0.22 24.35 46.28 67.57 99.28 ▇▇▇▅▆
y x_shape 0 1 47.84 26.93 4.58 23.47 39.88 73.61 97.84 ▇▇▂▆▅

Notice that all of the datasets are nearly identical. But have a look at them.

datasaurus %>% ggplot() + aes(x=x, y=y, color=dataset) + geom_point() + facet_wrap(vars(dataset))

Robert W. Walker
Associate Professor of Quantitative Methods

My research interests include causal inference, statistical computation and data visualization.

