XBRL Changed
XBRL has undergone and is undergoing some changes. Some filers have already needed to change their filings and others will have to soon. Here is the excerpt.
XBRL Change
This has broken many of the existing parsers for new filings. It is time to find a way around this. I have seen links for scraping them from Yahoo! Finance but that is not really what I want.
Driving Directions from R
There is no reason that maps with driving directions cannot be produced in R. Given the directions api from Google, it should be doable. As it happens, I was surprised how easy it was. Let me try to map a simple A to B location. First, to the locations; I will specify two. It is possible to geolocate addresses for this also, I happened to have the GPS coordinates in hand.
tidyTuesday on the Carbon Footprint of Feeding the Planet
The tidyTuesday for this week relies on data scraped from the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. The blog post for obtaining the data can be found on r-tastic. The scraping exercise is nice and easy to follow and explored a case of cleaning up a very messy data structure. I took this exercise as practice for using pivot_wider and pivot_longer.
Mapping Points in R
My goal is a streamlined and self-contained freeware map maker with points denoting addresses. It is a three step process that involves:
Get a map.
Geocode the addresses into latitude and longitude.
Combine the the two with a first map layer and a second layer on top that contains the points.
From there, it is pretty easy to get fancy using ggplotly to put relevant text hovers into place.
tidyTuesday: December 10, 2019
Replicating plots from simplystatistics. One nice twist is the development of a tidytuesdayR package to grab the necessary data in an easy way. You can install the package via github. I will also use fiftystater and ggflags.
tuesdata <- tidytuesdayR::tt_load(2019, week = 50)
## --- Downloading #TidyTuesday Information for 2019-12-10 ----
## --- Identified 4 files available for download ----
## --- Downloading files ---
## Warning in identify_delim(temp_file): Not able to detect delimiter for the file.
International Murders
Are among the data for analysis in the tidyTuesday for December 10, 2019. These are made for a map.
options(digits = 3)
tuesdata <- tt_load(2019, week = 50)
murders <- tuesdata$gun_murders
There isn’t much data so it should make this a bit easier. Now for some data. As it happens, the best way I currently know how to do this is going to involve acquiring a spatial frame.
Philadelphia Map
Use ggmap for the base layer.
library(ggmap); library(osmdata); library(tidyverse)
PHI <- get_map(getbb("Philadelphia, PA"), maptype = "stamen", zoom=12)
Get the Tickets Data
TidyTuesday covers 1.26 million parking tickets in Philadelphia.
tickets <- readr::read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rfordatascience/tidytuesday/master/data/2019/2019-12-03/tickets.csv")
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
## violation_desc = col_character(),
## issue_datetime = col_datetime(format = ""),
## fine = col_double(),
## issuing_agency = col_character(),
## lat = col_double(),
## lon = col_double(),
## zip_code = col_double()
## )
Two Lines of Code Left
library(lubridate); library(ggthemes)
tickets <- tickets %>% mutate(Day = wday(issue_datetime, label=TRUE)) # use lubridate to extract the day of the month.
Searching and Mapping the Census
Searching for the Asian Population via the Census
To use tidycensus, there are limitations imposed by the available tables. There is ACS – a survey of about 3 million people – and the two main decennial census files [SF1] and [SF2]. I will search SF1 for the Asian population.
library(tidycensus); library(kableExtra)
library(tidyverse); library(stringr)
v10 <- load_variables(2010, "sf1", cache = TRUE)
v10 %>% filter(str_detect(concept, "ASIAN")) %>% filter(str_detect(label, "Female")) %>% kable() %>% scroll_box(width = "100%")
Hashtag OKBoomer
The generational banter that has followed the use of #OKBoomer reminded me of an interesting feature of US population data. I believe it to be true that Generation X has never and will never be the largest generation of Americans. There are tons of Millenials and Baby Boomers alike, though the rate of decline in the latter means that the former are about to surpass them. Or perhaps they have.
The Package: finreport
The key tool to facilitate the financial analysis of companies that file regular SEC reports of certain forms is finreportr. To make use of it, we must first have R install it and dependencies. To install it, install.packages("finreportr", dependencies=TRUE).
The Commands
The first command is CompanyInfo().
## company CIK SIC state state.inc FY.end street.address
## 1 JPMORGAN CHASE & CO 0000019617 6021 NY DE 1231 383 MADISON AVENUE
## city.