

GSMPR 622: Spring 2022

Classroom videos Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14

DATA 521

DATA 521 is Time Series and Forecasting COVID-19 Forecasting The summary page tbats for COVID-19 Aggregate Forecasting for COVID-19 Aggregate Box-Cox Forecasting for COVID-19 Aggregate log Forecasting for COVID-19 weather: Monthly Equities About Forecasting is predicting the future. That’s hard. There is a certain science to forecasting that we can make use of all the while recognizing that we have to assume that things are similar in relevant ways to the past to get leverage on them by using the past.

GSM 5103

Resource to support my MBA data analysis course. OpenIntro Stats Radiant RStudio R RPubs This is a more convenient place than the WISE ecosystem to host materials. The R directory also contains some useful howtos. Stuff


This is a more convenient place than the WISE ecosystem to host materials for my data class in the MBA for Professionals. I will post solution sets, exercises, and builts of help here, along with those posted in the R directory .