Asian Identification in the United States

Searching for the Asian Population via the Census

To use tidycensus, there are limitations imposed by the available tables. There is ACS – a survey of about 3 million people – and the two main decennial census files [SF1] and [SF2]. I will search SF1 for the Asian population.

library(tidycensus); library(kableExtra)
library(tidyverse); library(stringr)
v10 <- load_variables(2010, "sf1", cache = TRUE)
v10 %>% filter(str_detect(concept, "ASIAN")) %>% filter(str_detect(label, "Female")) %>% kable() %>% scroll_box(width = "100%")
name label concept
P012D026 Total!!Female SEX BY AGE (ASIAN ALONE)
P012D027 Total!!Female!!Under 5 years SEX BY AGE (ASIAN ALONE)
P012D028 Total!!Female!!5 to 9 years SEX BY AGE (ASIAN ALONE)
P012D029 Total!!Female!!10 to 14 years SEX BY AGE (ASIAN ALONE)
P012D030 Total!!Female!!15 to 17 years SEX BY AGE (ASIAN ALONE)
P012D031 Total!!Female!!18 and 19 years SEX BY AGE (ASIAN ALONE)
P012D032 Total!!Female!!20 years SEX BY AGE (ASIAN ALONE)
P012D033 Total!!Female!!21 years SEX BY AGE (ASIAN ALONE)
P012D034 Total!!Female!!22 to 24 years SEX BY AGE (ASIAN ALONE)
P012D035 Total!!Female!!25 to 29 years SEX BY AGE (ASIAN ALONE)
P012D036 Total!!Female!!30 to 34 years SEX BY AGE (ASIAN ALONE)
P012D037 Total!!Female!!35 to 39 years SEX BY AGE (ASIAN ALONE)
P012D038 Total!!Female!!40 to 44 years SEX BY AGE (ASIAN ALONE)
P012D039 Total!!Female!!45 to 49 years SEX BY AGE (ASIAN ALONE)
P012D040 Total!!Female!!50 to 54 years SEX BY AGE (ASIAN ALONE)
P012D041 Total!!Female!!55 to 59 years SEX BY AGE (ASIAN ALONE)
P012D042 Total!!Female!!60 and 61 years SEX BY AGE (ASIAN ALONE)
P012D043 Total!!Female!!62 to 64 years SEX BY AGE (ASIAN ALONE)
P012D044 Total!!Female!!65 and 66 years SEX BY AGE (ASIAN ALONE)
P012D045 Total!!Female!!67 to 69 years SEX BY AGE (ASIAN ALONE)
P012D046 Total!!Female!!70 to 74 years SEX BY AGE (ASIAN ALONE)
P012D047 Total!!Female!!75 to 79 years SEX BY AGE (ASIAN ALONE)
P012D048 Total!!Female!!80 to 84 years SEX BY AGE (ASIAN ALONE)
P012D049 Total!!Female!!85 years and over SEX BY AGE (ASIAN ALONE)
P013D003 Median age!!Female MEDIAN AGE BY SEX (ASIAN ALONE)
P018D006 Total!!Family households!!Other family!!Female householder, no husband present HOUSEHOLD TYPE (ASIAN ALONE HOUSEHOLDER)
P029D006 Total!!In households!!In family households!!Householder!!Female HOUSEHOLD TYPE BY RELATIONSHIP (ASIAN ALONE)
P029D022 Total!!In households!!In nonfamily households!!Female householder HOUSEHOLD TYPE BY RELATIONSHIP (ASIAN ALONE)
P029D023 Total!!In households!!In nonfamily households!!Female householder!!Living alone HOUSEHOLD TYPE BY RELATIONSHIP (ASIAN ALONE)
P029D024 Total!!In households!!In nonfamily households!!Female householder!!Not living alone HOUSEHOLD TYPE BY RELATIONSHIP (ASIAN ALONE)
P034D006 Total!!In households!!In family households!!Householder!!Female HOUSEHOLD TYPE BY RELATIONSHIP FOR THE POPULATION 65 YEARS AND OVER (ASIAN ALONE)
P034D016 Total!!In households!!In nonfamily households!!Female householder HOUSEHOLD TYPE BY RELATIONSHIP FOR THE POPULATION 65 YEARS AND OVER (ASIAN ALONE)
P034D017 Total!!In households!!In nonfamily households!!Female householder!!Living alone HOUSEHOLD TYPE BY RELATIONSHIP FOR THE POPULATION 65 YEARS AND OVER (ASIAN ALONE)
P034D018 Total!!In households!!In nonfamily households!!Female householder!!Not living alone HOUSEHOLD TYPE BY RELATIONSHIP FOR THE POPULATION 65 YEARS AND OVER (ASIAN ALONE)
P038D015 Total!!Other family!!Female householder, no husband present FAMILY TYPE BY PRESENCE AND AGE OF OWN CHILDREN (ASIAN ALONE HOUSEHOLDER)
P038D016 Total!!Other family!!Female householder, no husband present!!With own children under 18 years FAMILY TYPE BY PRESENCE AND AGE OF OWN CHILDREN (ASIAN ALONE HOUSEHOLDER)
P038D017 Total!!Other family!!Female householder, no husband present!!With own children under 18 years!!Under 6 years only FAMILY TYPE BY PRESENCE AND AGE OF OWN CHILDREN (ASIAN ALONE HOUSEHOLDER)
P038D018 Total!!Other family!!Female householder, no husband present!!With own children under 18 years!!Under 6 years and 6 to 17 years FAMILY TYPE BY PRESENCE AND AGE OF OWN CHILDREN (ASIAN ALONE HOUSEHOLDER)
P038D019 Total!!Other family!!Female householder, no husband present!!With own children under 18 years!!6 to 17 years only FAMILY TYPE BY PRESENCE AND AGE OF OWN CHILDREN (ASIAN ALONE HOUSEHOLDER)
P038D020 Total!!Other family!!Female householder, no husband present!!No own children under 18 years FAMILY TYPE BY PRESENCE AND AGE OF OWN CHILDREN (ASIAN ALONE HOUSEHOLDER)
P039D015 Total!!Other family!!Female householder, no husband present FAMILY TYPE BY PRESENCE AND AGE OF RELATED CHILDREN (ASIAN ALONE HOUSEHOLDER)
P039D016 Total!!Other family!!Female householder, no husband present!!With related children under 18 years FAMILY TYPE BY PRESENCE AND AGE OF RELATED CHILDREN (ASIAN ALONE HOUSEHOLDER)
P039D017 Total!!Other family!!Female householder, no husband present!!With related children under 18 years!!Under 6 years only FAMILY TYPE BY PRESENCE AND AGE OF RELATED CHILDREN (ASIAN ALONE HOUSEHOLDER)
P039D018 Total!!Other family!!Female householder, no husband present!!With related children under 18 years!!Under 6 years and 6 to 17 years FAMILY TYPE BY PRESENCE AND AGE OF RELATED CHILDREN (ASIAN ALONE HOUSEHOLDER)
P039D019 Total!!Other family!!Female householder, no husband present!!With related children under 18 years!!6 to 17 years only FAMILY TYPE BY PRESENCE AND AGE OF RELATED CHILDREN (ASIAN ALONE HOUSEHOLDER)
P039D020 Total!!Other family!!Female householder, no husband present!!No related children under 18 years FAMILY TYPE BY PRESENCE AND AGE OF RELATED CHILDREN (ASIAN ALONE HOUSEHOLDER)

There are still 268 to comb through but what seems useful are the bottom rows of the first set of results.

## Loading required package: viridisLite
library(sf); library(ggthemes)
## Linking to GEOS 3.8.0, GDAL 3.0.4, PROJ 6.3.1
# I need supply the names of the variables to fetch from Census: column `name` above
vars10 <- c("P012D031", "P012D032", "P012D033", "P012D034", "P012D035", "P012D036")
# Get the census data with the relevant map by county; 2010 is the most recent
# I used the example from the help file to adapt by dropping the state to get them all and shifting Hawaii and Alaska for visibility.  They are not properly scaled.
MapDat <- get_decennial(geography = "county", variables = vars10, year = 2010,
                    geometry = TRUE, shift_geo = TRUE)
## Getting data from the 2010 decennial Census
## Using feature geometry obtained from the albersusa package
## Please note: Alaska and Hawaii are being shifted and are not to scale.
# Map the data with ggplot using geom_sf()
ggplot(MapDat, aes(fill = value, color = value)) + 
  geom_sf() + 
  theme_map() + 
  scale_color_viridis_c(guide=FALSE) + 

Totals of the Target Population

## `summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups` argument)

A plotly

## Attaching package: 'plotly'
## The following object is masked from 'package:ggplot2':
##     last_plot
## The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter
## The following object is masked from 'package:graphics':
##     layout

To get rid of some of the messiness because LA is a huge outlier, perhaps it should be binned.

MapDatSum <- MapDatSum %>% mutate(Binned.Total = cut_number(Total, 5, ordered_result=TRUE))
PlotlyMe <- ggplot(MapDatSum, aes(fill = Binned.Total, text=NAME)) +
     geom_sf(size=0.02, color="white") + theme_map() + scale_fill_viridis_d() +         labs("Asian Females Ages 18 to 34", caption = "Census Table SF1")  

More than 1000 in the Relevant Age Group

MapDatSum <- MapDatSum %>% mutate(Total.1000 = as.factor(Total > 1000))
PlotlyMe <- ggplot(MapDatSum, aes(fill = Total.1000, text=NAME)) +
     geom_sf(size=0.02, color="white") + theme_map() + scale_fill_viridis_d() +         labs("Asian Females Ages 18 to 34", caption = "Census Table SF1", fill="More than 1000")  

More than 5000 in the Relevant Age Group

MapDatSum <- MapDatSum %>% mutate(Total.5000 = as.factor(Total > 5000))
PlotlyMe <- ggplot(MapDatSum, aes(fill = Total.5000)) +
     geom_sf(size=0.02, color="white") + theme_map() + scale_fill_viridis_d() +         labs("Asian Females Ages 18 to 34", caption = "Census Table SF1", fill="More than 5000")  

More than 10000 in the Relevant Age Group

MapDatSum <- MapDatSum %>% mutate(Total.10K = as.factor(Total > 10000))
PlotlyMe <- ggplot(MapDatSum, aes(fill = Total.10K)) +
     geom_sf(size=0.02, color="white") + theme_map() + scale_fill_viridis_d() +         labs("Asian Females Ages 18 to 34", caption = "Census Table SF1", fill="More than 10000")  

# This takes a really long time to run.  It is not evaluated.
Carto <- cartogram_cont(
itermax = 15,
maxSizeError = 1.0001,
prepare = "adjust",
threshold = 0.05

Load the cartogram already cooked.

ggplot(Carto, aes(fill=Total)) + geom_sf(size=0.01) + theme_map() + labs(caption="A Cartogram")

Robert W. Walker
Associate Professor of Quantitative Methods

My research interests include causal inference, statistical computation and data visualization.
