

My blog has moved, in the main, to

Trying to Figure Out the New XBRL

XBRL Changed XBRL has undergone and is undergoing some changes. Some filers have already needed to change their filings and others will …

R for Driving Directions?

Driving Directions from R There is no reason that maps with driving directions cannot be produced in R. Given the directions api from …

The Carbon Footprint of Food Produced for Consumption

tidyTuesday on the Carbon Footprint of Feeding the Planet The tidyTuesday for this week relies on data scraped from the Food and …

Mapping San Francisco Trees

Trees in San Francisco This week’s data cover trees in San Francisco. sf_trees <- …

Updating Hugo and Academic

Updating Hugo: It’s Changed Alot… Many key features of hugo have been in a state of flux since I began this blogdown a few years ago. …

a quick tidyTuesday on Passwords

First, I wanted to acquire the distribution of letters and then play with that. I embedded the result here. The second step is to …

Simple Point Maps in R

Mapping Points in R My goal is a streamlined and self-contained freeware map maker with points denoting addresses. It is a three step …

Dog Movements: a tidyTuesday

Adoptable Dogs # devtools::install_github("thebioengineer/tidytuesdayR", force=TRUE) tuesdata51 <- …

tidyTuesday Measles

tidyTuesday: December 10, 2019 Replicating plots from simplystatistics. One nice twist is the development of a tidytuesdayR package to …

Trying out Leaflet

International Murders Are among the data for analysis in the tidyTuesday for December 10, 2019. These are made for a map. …