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Some Basic Text on the Mueller Report

So this Robert Mueller guy wrote a report I may as well analyse it a bit. First, let me see if I can get a hold of the data. I grabbed …

nflscrapR is amazing

Scraping NFL data Note: An original version of this post had issues induced by overtime games. There is a better way to handle all of …

Visualisation with Archigos: Leaders of the World

Archigos Is an amazing collaboration that produced a comprehensive dataset of world leaders going pretty far back; see Archigos on the …

fredr is very neat

FRED via fredr The Federal Reserve Economic Database [FRED] is a wonderful public resource for data and the r api that connects to it …

Stocks and gganimate

tidyquant Automates a lot of equity research and calculation using tidy concepts. Here, I will first use it to get the components of …

Trump's Tweets, Part II

Trump’s Tone A cool post on sentiment analysis can be found here. I will now get at the time series characteristics of his tweets and …

Trump Tweet Word Clouds

Mining Twitter Data Is rather easy. You have to arrange a developer account with Twitter and set up an app. After that, Twitter gives …

tidyTuesday meets the Economics of Majors

This week’s tidyTuesday focuses on degrees and majors and their deployment in the labor market. The original data came from 538. A …

tidyTuesday: coffee chains

The tidyTuesday for this week is coffee chain locations For this week: 1. The basic link to the #tidyTuesday shows an original article …

Global mortality tidyTuesday

tidyTuesday on Global Mortality The three generic challenge graphics involve two global summaries, a raw count by type and a percentage …