Local Maps for Oregon

A Citation

I found a starting point on local maps in Seattle.

# SLE <- get_map(getbb("Salem, OR"), source="osm")
# SLE %>% ggmap()

An Oregon Map of Liquor Stores

The setup for a Google Cloud account is kind of a pain and it requires a billing option. That was annoying but eventually fixed. It is required for geocoding addresses as OSM doesn’t do that anymore.

OR <- get_map(getbb("Oregon"), source="osm")
OR %>% ggmap()

# Get the Data on Liquor Stores from https://ryano.net/oregonliquorstores/  I copied and pasted it.  It comes from a .pdf available from OLCC.
GeoCodeLiquorStores <- read_delim(url("https://github.com/robertwwalker/DADMStuff/raw/master/GeoCodeLiquorStores.csv"), "\t", escape_double = FALSE, trim_ws = TRUE)
# Split the Address into the Address part and the phone number part
GeoCodeLiquorStores$GCAdd <- str_split_fixed(GeoCodeLiquorStores$Address, fixed("("), 2)[,1]
GeoCodeLiquorStores$GCPhN <- str_split_fixed(GeoCodeLiquorStores$Address, fixed("("), 2)[,2]
# GeoCode the addresses from above.
# Google will charge for this, not much but it is a pain to set up
# LatLon.LS <- geocode(GeoCodeLiquorStores$GCAdd, source = "google")
# Embedded Output in lat lon
LatLon.LS <-read.csv(url("https://github.com/robertwwalker/DADMStuff/raw/master/GeoCodedLiquor.csv"))
# Merge coordinates with the dataset of liquor stores
GCLS <- GeoCodeLiquorStores %>% mutate(lat = LatLon.LS$lat, lon=LatLon.LS$lon)
# Rename the first variable
names(GCLS)[1] <- "Store"
# Create the hover
GCLS <- GCLS %>% mutate(labelM = paste0(Store,"<br>",GCAdd,"<br>",GCPhN))
gp <- ggmap(OR) + geom_point(data=GCLS, aes(x=lon, y=lat, text=labelM), alpha=0.2, size=2, color="magenta") + ggnetwork::theme_blank() + labs("A Map of Oregon Liquor Stores") 
ggplotly(gp, tooltip = "text")
Robert W. Walker
Associate Professor of Quantitative Methods

My research interests include causal inference, statistical computation and data visualization.
