Tables, Pivots, Bars, and Mosaics

R Markdown

There is detailed help for all that Markdown can do under Help in the RStudio. The key to it is knitting documents with the Knit button in the RStudio. If we use helpers like the R Commander, Radiant, or esquisse, we will need the R code implanted in the Markdown document in particular ways. I will use Markdown for everything. I even use a close relation of Markdown in my scholarly pursuits.

The Packages: tidyverse and esquisse

We will rely on five. The tidyverse is Hadley Wickham’s collection of packages. It represents a different philosophy for the construction of exploratory data analysis with literate programming – code that you can read. We will rely on the %>% piping operators of the magrittr package that pipes something to a subsequent command as a core function of the tidyverse.

For everything that we want in a summary, there is the skimr function skim. For cross-tabulation the easy way, there is janitor. The other two are developmental pieces of software that have yet to deploy into the regular package system of R. esquisse and parts of that’s so random blog’s package for implementing ggmosaic.

pkgTest <- function(x)
    if (!require(x,character.only = TRUE))
      install.packages(x,dep=TRUE, type="binary")
        if(!require(x,character.only = TRUE)) stop("Package not found")

A first go

We have an embedded data object; if you look at the beginning of the document, I have used an R command called dput to embed the data in the document. Above, there is encoded text of Bond.Funds to use as an example. To get a sense of the data, I will load the skim function and put it to work. In R, we will use the library command to load functions into the namespace – the set of recognizable commands. R needs to know how a function is defined to use it. The function skim appears in the skimr library.

Table 1: Data summary
Name Bond.Funds
Number of rows 184
Number of columns 9
Column type frequency:
character 4
numeric 5
Group variables None

Variable type: character

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate min max empty n_unique whitespace
Fund Number 0 1 4 6 0 184 0
Type 0 1 20 23 0 2 0
Fees 0 1 2 3 0 2 0
Risk 0 1 7 13 0 3 0

Variable type: numeric

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist
Assets 0 1 910.65 2253.27 12.40 113.72 268.4 621.95 18603.50 ▇▁▁▁▁
Expense Ratio 0 1 0.71 0.26 0.12 0.53 0.7 0.90 1.94 ▂▇▅▁▁
Return 2009 0 1 7.16 6.09 -8.80 3.48 6.4 10.72 32.00 ▁▇▅▁▁
3-Year Return 0 1 4.66 2.52 -13.80 4.05 5.1 6.10 9.40 ▁▁▁▅▇
5-Year Return 0 1 3.99 1.49 -7.30 3.60 4.3 4.90 6.80 ▁▁▁▅▇
# skimr::skim(Bond.Funds)


The beauty of tidy is rendering code readable with an organizational focus on data objects. Let me take the Bond Funds example and use a simple literate example to mirror a pivot table. Let’s pivot two basic statistics, the mean and standard deviation, then the median and interquartile range grouped by Risk. I should point out that the variable names containing spaces are difficult and have to be enclosed in quotes. Better naming at the outset would help. With simple names, we can ignore the quoting.

Numerical Summary

Bond.Funds %>% group_by(Risk) %>% 
  summarise(Avg.Return = mean(`Return 2009`), SD.Return=sd(`Return 2009`), median.Return=median(`Return 2009`), IQR.Return=IQR(`Return 2009`))
## # A tibble: 3 × 5
##   Risk          Avg.Return SD.Return median.Return IQR.Return
##   <chr>              <dbl>     <dbl>         <dbl>      <dbl>
## 1 Above average       8.31      9.24           7.9      13.0 
## 2 Average             6.87      4.39           6         7.3 
## 3 Below average       6.31      2.71           6.1       3.18

I can also use skim.

Bond.Funds %>% group_by(Risk,Fees) %>% skim(`Return 2009`)
Table 2: Data summary
Name Piped data
Number of rows 184
Number of columns 9
Column type frequency:
numeric 1
Group variables Risk, Fees

Variable type: numeric

skim_variable Risk Fees n_missing complete_rate mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist
Return 2009 Above average No 0 1 8.25 8.92 -8.8 0.70 9.90 13.50 32.0 ▃▃▇▂▁
Return 2009 Above average Yes 0 1 8.42 9.96 -4.8 0.98 6.85 14.93 29.7 ▇▆▃▃▂
Return 2009 Average No 0 1 7.37 4.51 -1.1 4.30 6.50 11.20 16.4 ▆▆▇▇▃
Return 2009 Average Yes 0 1 5.66 3.93 -0.6 3.35 4.80 8.00 12.9 ▃▇▅▂▅
Return 2009 Below average No 0 1 6.33 2.80 0.2 4.85 6.20 7.58 13.0 ▂▅▇▃▁
Return 2009 Below average Yes 0 1 6.26 2.46 1.5 5.02 6.05 8.22 10.1 ▂▃▇▆▃

I want to recreate a categorical pivot table also.

Categorical Descriptions Requires Tables [or Graphics]

There are numerous ways to build tables in R. Base R has a table function that works but it does not naturally work inside data environments; we have to provide them using $ or with environments [or %$% in magrittr]. This brief description of environments is part of a broader idea of scoping in R.

Easiest: janitor

The package janitor contains a tabyl with the ability to add totals and calculate percentages of relevance. Here are two examples.

## Attaching package: 'janitor'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     chisq.test, fisher.test
Bond.Funds %>% tabyl(Fees,Risk) %>% adorn_totals(c("row","col"))
##   Fees Above average Average Below average Total
##     No            37      49            44   130
##    Yes            22      20            12    54
##  Total            59      69            56   184
Bond.Funds %>% tabyl(Fees,Risk) %>% adorn_percentages("row")
##  Fees Above average   Average Below average
##    No     0.2846154 0.3769231     0.3384615
##   Yes     0.4074074 0.3703704     0.2222222

Easier with xtabs and formulae

This is actually made much easier with a slightly new form of syntax: formulae. Base R, as you have already learned (or will learn) with swirl, uses different and less readable syntax than the tidyverse. But this is a problem that is quite easy for R in the base commands table and xtabs [crosstabs]. In the first instance, we merely create a table counting values. In the second, the data is a named argument for the function xtabs that requires a statement of margins for the table as a series of names with “+”. The order will determine the rows [first] and the columns [second].

##       Above average Average Below average
##   No             37      49            44
##   Yes            22      20            12
xtabs(~Fees+Risk, data=Bond.Funds)
##      Risk
## Fees  Above average Average Below average
##   No             37      49            44
##   Yes            22      20            12

These can also be assigned as objects using the “<-”; this saves a local version of the table as something that we can work on. I will call mine FR.Tab for the F(ees)R(isk).Tab(le).

FR.Tab <- xtabs(~Fees+Risk, data=Bond.Funds)

Worst: Table

Base R table is great but it requires that we specify an environment. To grab a variable from inside a data.frame requires $, as in

##       Above average Average Below average
##   No             37      49            44
##   Yes            22      20            12
BRTab1 <- table(Bond.Funds$Fees,Bond.Funds$Risk)

We can accomplish the same with with, telling R to evaluate something inside whatever data object is in with, for example,

with(Bond.Funds, table(Fees,Risk))
##      Risk
## Fees  Above average Average Below average
##   No             37      49            44
##   Yes            22      20            12
WBF1 <- with(Bond.Funds, table(Fees,Risk))

Conditional Frequency

If we think about conditional probability as measured in proportions of the table, we can ask R to calculate them. The command is prop.table and the inputs are a table and a margin here 1 is rows [conditioning on the first name you entered] and 2 is columns [the second name you entered]. Nothing specified is joint or total.

##      Risk
## Fees  Above average    Average Below average
##   No     0.20108696 0.26630435    0.23913043
##   Yes    0.11956522 0.10869565    0.06521739
prop.table(FR.Tab, 1)
##      Risk
## Fees  Above average   Average Below average
##   No      0.2846154 0.3769231     0.3384615
##   Yes     0.4074074 0.3703704     0.2222222
prop.table(FR.Tab, 2)
##      Risk
## Fees  Above average   Average Below average
##   No      0.6271186 0.7101449     0.7857143
##   Yes     0.3728814 0.2898551     0.2142857
##      Risk
## Fees  Above average    Average Below average
##   No     0.20108696 0.26630435    0.23913043
##   Yes    0.11956522 0.10869565    0.06521739
prop.table(WBF1, 1)
##      Risk
## Fees  Above average   Average Below average
##   No      0.2846154 0.3769231     0.3384615
##   Yes     0.4074074 0.3703704     0.2222222
prop.table(WBF1, 2)
##      Risk
## Fees  Above average   Average Below average
##   No      0.6271186 0.7101449     0.7857143
##   Yes     0.3728814 0.2898551     0.2142857

Pivot Plots [Mosaic]

Base R Graphics contain a mosaic with the same formula as the cross-tabulation above.

mosaicplot(~Risk+Fees, data=Bond.Funds)

I recently came across a nice plotter for tabular data on github. You can search for it as thatssorandom. We installed it above.

## Warning: `guides(<scale> = FALSE)` is deprecated. Please use `guides(<scale> =
## "none")` instead.

Notice it handles an implicit plotting of the set of conditional probabilities along the relevant margin. It is plotting \(Pr(Fees|Risk)\) as breaks along the y-axis defined by frequency/empirical probability. This would be the equivalent of taking the column marginal of the table of Fees and Risk that we saw before. Now it has a graphical representation.

prop.table(FR.Tab, 2)
##      Risk
## Fees  Above average   Average Below average
##   No      0.6271186 0.7101449     0.7857143
##   Yes     0.3728814 0.2898551     0.2142857

For Berkeley Admissions:

UCB <- DescTools::Untable(UCBAdmissions)
UCB$Gender <- as.character(UCB$Gender)
UCB$Gender[UCB$Gender=="Male"] <- "M"
UCB$Gender[UCB$Gender=="Female"] <- "F"
UCB$DeptMF <- paste(UCB$Dept,UCB$Gender, sep=":")
UCB <- UCB %>% select(Admit,DeptMF)
p1 <- ggmm(UCB, x=DeptMF, y=Admit, add_text = "n")
## Warning: `guides(<scale> = FALSE)` is deprecated. Please use `guides(<scale> =
## "none")` instead.
p1 + labs(x="Dept:M/F", y="Admitted") + theme(axis.text=element_text(size=10))


Basic things like barplots can be accomplished in many ways. Using the R4DS approach, we have

ggplot(data = Bond.Funds) + 
  stat_count(mapping = aes(x = Risk))

Placed into densities. This is really only helpful with another dimension because the X is categorical so all bars will be height 1.

ggplot(data = Bond.Funds, aes(x = Risk, fill=Fees)) + geom_bar(position="fill")

Or in Base R


A legend would help.

barplot(table(Bond.Funds$Fees,Bond.Funds$Risk), legend=TRUE)
barplot(table(Bond.Funds$Fees,Bond.Funds$Risk), legend=TRUE, args.legend=list(bty="n"))

Simple Visualization: esquisse()

There is a wonderful tool for quickly succeeding with one of the most elegant and frustrating parts of R – ggplot2. Hadley Wickham’s Grammar of Graphics is brilliant when understood but is hard to comprehend initially and the programming structure of the package makes it hard for learners. Fortunately, a package called esquisse is available to make ggplot2 drag and drop to harness much of the power in an easy fashion. With code in the output, it also facilitates learning how to manipulate the code of ggplot2.

esquisse is quite powerful; we can explore this at length. Here is a simple graphic that I created with x and fills.

plt1 <- ggplot(data = Bond.Funds) +
  aes(x = Type, fill = Fees) +
  geom_bar() +

If you notice, esquisse directly outputs graphics to powerpoint. This feature is quite useful.

Robert W. Walker
Associate Professor of Quantitative Methods

My research interests include causal inference, statistical computation and data visualization.

