Socrata: The Open Data Portal
I did not previously know much about precisely how open data portals had evolved. Oregon’s is quite nice and I will take the opportunity to map and summarise non-profits throughout the state. Here is the data.
Oregon.Nonprofits <- read.socrata("")
## Rows: 163,489
## Columns: 18
## $ registry_number <int> 299818, 299818, 299818, 299818, 299818, 5…
## $ business_name <chr> "UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, OREGON CITY, OR…
## $ registry_date <chr> "1850-05-17 00:00:00", "1850-05-17 00:00:…
## $ nonprofit_type <chr> "RELIGIOUS WITH MEMBERS", "RELIGIOUS WITH…
## $ associated_name_type <chr> "MAILING ADDRESS", "PRESIDENT", "PRINCIPA…
## $ first_name <chr> "", "MIKE", "", "MIKE", "CHRISTA", "", "S…
## $ middle_name <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "E", "", "", "", …
## $ last_name <chr> "", "BENISCHEK", "", "BENISCHEK", "PALMER…
## $ suffix <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "…
## $ not_of_record_entity <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "…
## $ entity_of_record_reg_number <int> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, N…
## $ entity_of_record_name <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "…
## $ address <chr> "18955 S SOUTH END RD", "18955 S SOUTH EN…
## $ address_continued <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "…
## $ city <chr> "OREGON CITY", "OREGON CITY", "OREGON CIT…
## $ state <chr> "OR", "OR", "OR", "OR", "OR", "OR", "OR",…
## $ zip_code <chr> "97045", "97045", "97045", "97045", "9704…
A basic zip code map
or_zips <- zctas(cb = TRUE, starts_with = "97", class="sf")
or_zips %>% ggplot(.