
COVID-19 in Oregon

Oregon COVID data I wanted to create a self-updating visualization of the data on COVID-19 in the state of Oregon provided by OHA. I still have yet to do that but decided to build this one to visualize the New York Times data. There is a separate page of daily maps. Oregon reports a set of daily snapshots while progression requires ingesting new data each day so I began tracking it March 20; the process of scraping it is detailed in a separate file.

New York Times Data on COVID

New York Times data for the US The New York Times has a wonderful compilation of United States on the novel coronavirus. The data update automatically so the following graphics were generated with data retrieved at 2020-11-30 16:51:46. The Basic State of Things options(scipen=9) library(tidyverse); library(hrbrthemes); library(patchwork); library(plotly); library(ggdark); library(ggrepel); library(lubridate) CTP <- read.csv("") <- read_csv(url("")) Rect.NYT <- complete(, state,date) # Create new cases and new deaths Rect.

Visualizing One Qualitative and One Quantitative Variable

Bonds A dataset for illustrating the various available visualizations needs a certain degree of richness with manageable size. The dataset on Bonds contains three categorical and a few quantitative indicators sufficient to show what we might wish. Loading the Data Bonds <- read.csv(url("")) A Summary library(skimr) Bonds %>% skim() Table 1: Data summary Name Piped data Number of rows 184 Number of columns 9 _______________________ Column type frequency: character 4 numeric 5 ________________________ Group variables None Variable type: character

Visualizing One Quantitative Variable

Bonds A dataset for illustrating the various available visualizations needs a certain degree of richness with manageable size. The dataset on Bonds contains three categorical and a few quantitative indicators sufficient to show what we might wish. Loading the Data Bonds <- read.csv(url("")) A Summary library(skimr) Bonds %>% skim() Table 1: Data summary Name Piped data Number of rows 184 Number of columns 9 _______________________ Column type frequency: character 4 numeric 5 ________________________ Group variables None Variable type: character

Visualizing Two Qualitative Variables

Bonds A dataset for illustrating the various available visualizations needs a certain degree of richness with manageable size. The dataset on Bonds contains three categorical and a few quantitative indicators sufficient to show what we might wish. Loading the Data Bonds <- read.csv(url("")) A Summary library(skimr) Bonds %>% skim() Table 1: Data summary Name Piped data Number of rows 184 Number of columns 9 _______________________ Column type frequency: character 4 numeric 5 ________________________ Group variables None Variable type: character

Visualizing One Qualitative Variable

Bonds A dataset for illustrating the various available visualizations needs a certain degree of richness with manageable size. The dataset on Bonds contains three categorical and a few quantitative indicators sufficient to show what we might wish. Loading the Data Bonds <- read.csv(url("")) A Summary library(skimr) Bonds %>% skim() Table 1: Data summary Name Piped data Number of rows 184 Number of columns 9 _______________________ Column type frequency: character 4 numeric 5 ________________________ Group variables None Variable type: character

GDPR Violations

R Markdown I love this intro photo from the tidyTuesday page. This week’s tidyTuesday data cover violations of the GDPR. gdpr_violations <- readr::read_tsv('') ## ## ── Column specification ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ## cols( ## id = col_double(), ## picture = col_character(), ## name = col_character(), ## price = col_double(), ## authority = col_character(), ## date = col_character(), ## controller = col_character(), ## article_violated = col_character(), ## type = col_character(), ## source = col_character(), ## summary = col_character() ## ) gdpr_text <- readr::read_tsv('https://raw.

A GeoFacet of Credit Quality

In previous work with Skip Krueger, we conceptualized bond ratings as a multiple rater problem and extracted measure of state level creditworthiness. I had always had it on my list to do something like this and recently ran across a package called geofacet that makes it simply to easy to do. So here goes. The code is below the post. library(haven) library(dplyr) Pew.Data <- read_dta(url("")) library(tidyverse) load(url("")) state.ratings <- data.

Quick and Dirty Fredr

Some Data from FREDr Downloading the FRED data on national debt as a percentage of GDP. I first want to examine the US data and will then turn to some comparisons. fredr makes it markable asy to do! I will use two core tools from fredr. First, fredr_series_search allows one to enter search text and retrieve the responsive series given that search text. They can be sorted in particular ways, two such options are shown below.

R for Driving Directions?

Driving Directions from R There is no reason that maps with driving directions cannot be produced in R. Given the directions api from Google, it should be doable. As it happens, I was surprised how easy it was. Let me try to map a simple A to B location. First, to the locations; I will specify two. It is possible to geolocate addresses for this also, I happened to have the GPS coordinates in hand.