Scraping NFL data with nflscrapr
The nflscrapR package is designed to make data on NFL games more easily available. To install the package, we need to grab it from github.
devtools::install_github(repo = "maksimhorowitz/nflscrapR")
The github page for nflscrapR is quite informative. It has a lot of useful insight for working with the data; the set itself is quite large.
Getting Some Data
Following the guide to the package on GitHub, let me try their example.
Is an amazing collaboration that produced a comprehensive dataset of world leaders going pretty far back; see Archigos on the web. For thinking about leadership, it is quite natural. In this post, I want to do some reshaping into country year and leader year datasets and explore the basic confines of Archigos. I also want to use gganimate for a few things. So what do we know?
FRED via fredr
The Federal Reserve Economic Database [FRED] is a wonderful public resource for data and the r api that connects to it is very easy to use for the things that I have previously needed. For example, one of my students was interested in commercial credit default data. I used the FRED search instructions from the following vignette to find that data. My first step was the vignette for using fredr.
Trump’s Tone
A cool post on sentiment analysis can be found here. I will now get at the time series characteristics of his tweets and the sentiment stuff.
I start by loading the tmls object that I created in the previous post.
Trump’s Overall Tweeting
What does it look like?
## [1] "user_id" "status_id" ## [3] "created_at" "screen_name" ## [5] "text" "source" ## [7] "display_text_width" "reply_to_status_id" ## [9] "reply_to_user_id" "reply_to_screen_name" ## [11] "is_quote" "is_retweet" ## [13] "favorite_count" "retweet_count" ## [15] "hashtags" "symbols" ## [17] "urls_url" "urls_t.
The tidyTuesday for this week is coffee chain locations
For this week:
1. The basic link to the #tidyTuesday shows an original article for Week 6.
First, let’s import the data; it is a single Excel spreadsheet. The page notes that starbucks, Tim Horton, and Dunkin Donuts have raw data available.
## ── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.3.0 ──
## ✓ ggplot2 3.3.3 ✓ purrr 0.3.4
## ✓ tibble 3.
EPL Scraping
In a previous post, I scraped some NFL data and learned the structure of Sportrac. Now, I want to scrape the available data on the EPL. The EPL data is organized in a few distinct but potentially linked tables. The basic structure is organized around team folders. Let me begin by isolating those URLs.
base_url <- ""
read.base <- read_html(base_url)
team.URL <- read.base %>% html_nodes(".team-name") %>% html_attr('href')
The NFL Data
[SporTrac](] has a wonderful array of financial data on sports. A student going to work for the Seattle Seahawks wanted the NFL salary cap data and I also found data on the English Premier League there. Now I have a source to scrape the data from.
With a source in hand, the key tool is the SelectorGadget. SelectorGadget is a browser add-in for Chrome that allows us to select text and identify the css or xpath selector to scrape the data.
I found a great example on tidyTuesday that I wanted to work on. @JakeKaupp tweeted his #tidyTuesday: a very cool slope plot of tuition changes averaged by state over the last decade. It is a very informative graphic. The only tweak is a simple embedded line plot that uses color in a creative way to show growth rates. All of the R code for this is on Jake Kaupp’s GitHub.
Pew on Rainy Day Funds and Credit Quality
The Pew Charitable Trusts released a report last May (2017) that portrays rainy day funds that are well designed and deployed as a form of insurance against ratings downgrades. One the one hand, this is perfectly sensible because the alternatives do not sound like very good ideas. A poorly designed rainy day fund, for example, is going to have to fall short on either the rainy day or the fund.
The Government Finance Database
Some of my colleagues (Kawika Pierson, Mike Hand, and Fred Thompson) have put together a convenient access point for the Government Finance data available from the Census. They published an article in PLoS One with the rationale; I want to build some maps from their project with extensible code and functions. The overall dataset is enormous. I have downloaded the whole thing and filtered out the states.